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Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Good Women Ain't Gold-Diggers

Video provided by - KanyeWestVEVO


A lot of men think all women need a "man with money" to be happy...

True, there are a lot of women out there looking for a man with money or a man who will take care of the bills and provide all of the comforts of life. But, all women aren't looking for that. All women aren't looking for a SugarDaddy. All women ain't gold-diggers.

Don't think you can't get a good woman just because your bank account ain't on "swole". Don't think that all women will despise you because you're working a mediocre job making chump-change! Believing that B.S. will ruin your Mind and Self-Esteem!

Don't fall into the trap of believing that you have to have money like Bill Gates or be some kind of famous rapper or Celebrity to "pull" a sexy satisfying babe who has all the qualities you like and lust for.

Look at all of these fine-ass Cougars and Sugar-Mamas taking care of these studs and young bucks! These women have got phat asses and sex-appeal!

Look at all of these famous female celebrities hooking up with these no-name local jokers they meet waiting on tables and delivering pizza!

Look at all of these sexy young tenderonies swooning over these bad boys who are so broke and malnutritioned that their pants are falling off to the ground!

These guys are broke as joke! Many of them are lazy as hell. Most of those poor saps don't have a job, no future, and some ovem ain't even worth a butt-naked nickel!

Do you think those women give a damn about those guys being broke? Hell No! Sh*t No!

Those chicks are trickin' just like some of these guys out here. They'll pay for companionship and affection just like a man will. They'll let those bums drive their car and keep it all day. They'll pay for the gas, pay those guys' cellphone bill. They'll buy those guys all kinds of gifts, shoes, clothes, snacks, beer, weed, and food just to keep the guy happy and hope in the long run that he will keep coming back and continue to be her man or at least a close intimate friend - her "butt-buddy".

Some women will do all kind of trick-ass sh*t just to try to keep those bums hanging around.

How many times have you seen a "Nice Girl" in a relationship with a total loser???

So, it's not always about the money.

It's not always low self-esteem either. That's a myth. That's a bunch of baloney.

Open your eyes! You see sexy STRONG CONFIDENT women with these poor sap-suckers too! Good women. Women that don't take no crap from anybody. Women that have the ability to conquer the World - getting involved with these sorry-ass chumps.

I had no job when me and my Ex got back together. And, when I DID get a job, it was part time and she was happy with it. To that chick, money was not an issue. She wanted Love, affection, and companionship. She just didn't know how to love. That chick was crazy hell and damn near drove me insane. I couldn't give her what she wanted because her attitude was a complete turn-off. But, if it wasn't for that, she couldn't care less if I was making less money than her.

Before I met her, I was involved with this fine-ass Filipina. Oh my goodness... This chick was a dime-piece... Beautiful hair. Beautiful legs. Beautiful lips. Pretty eyes. Passionate. Fun. Sweet. Caring. Giving... She loved me TOO much. My dumbass... There were businessmen, semi-professional athletes, REAL PLAYERS, and such, coming out the woodworks trying to entice my girl, and all she wanted was me. I was broke as hell at that time also - working in an auto parts store - and this chick couldn't keep her hands and mind off of me. She texted me all day. She wanted to make love all the time. She was jealous as hell and didn't want me out of her sight. Money wasn't the issue. I just couldn't handle the relationship. Leaving was the dumbest thing I've ever done in my life.

Let me give you another example...

Where I work, we don't make a hell of a lot of money. But, we have people there dating left and right. There are couples in long-term relationships working there. There are married couples working there. Many of these women in these relationships are sexy as hell. Any guy would be proud to have one of these fine "mamasitas" on their arm. Some of them look better than these celebrities you see in the movies and singing on stage or modeling, but they're married to or dating these "Average Joes" who work in retail. These guys ain't got no Big MONEY.

One of my homeboys (an acquaintance really) went on a blind date and hit a gold mine! He was introduced to this fine-ass chick that worked for a bank. She must've been a top-level executive or something because she was always flying around the country and out of the country. She hooked that dude, and they got married. She bought him a brand-spankin-new SUV and a Tractor - as in 18-wheeler tractor trailor! And she wasn't a bad looking girl. She was just too busy to go out and look for love. And, she didn't go to bars and nightclubs. But, she was able to find a guy she could love and care for and he was no Rockerfeller.

These are just a few examples I'm aware of from personal experience, but these types of connections happen all the time. And these types of relationships with hot sexy good women and broke-ass men are going on everywhere! Open your eyes and look around!

How are these scroundrels meeting these good women???

Do you know what makes the difference? Do you know why hot chicks hook-up with those losers?

First of all...


Don't get me wrong though... Money WILL give you more options! With a pocket full of MOOLAH, you could easily pick-up hoodrats, gold-diggers, hoochie-mamas, show-girls, uppity-ass bimbos, high-maintenance chicks, and maybe a sweet girl looking for her "knight in shining armor". But Remember! If you spoil a woman, you'll have to KEEP spoiling her and spending your hard-earned cash to keep her happy!

Many women are impressed by a man with money, a nice car, a good job, a nice crib (or flat), and goals as long as he ain't a jerk.

Yeah, it's a good thing to have a little money in your pocket so that you take your girl out on a date every once and a while... But, it's still not all about money! Who in the hell wants to be stuck in the house ALL the time???

Nobody wants to be in a relationship that's stale and boring.

Many women are attracted to a man with PERSONALITY. They like a man who has GOOD CONVERSATION. They are attracted to a man with CONFIDENCE. They appreciate a man who's FEARLESS. They appreciate a man who THINKS and one who is KNOWLEDGABLE. They enjoy being around men who ENJOY LIFE and who know how to HAVE A GOOD TIME.

All of these women AREN'T lonely and desperate for Love. Don't listen to the excuses from men who aren't willing to meet a good woman. Women appreciate a man who's ATTENTIVE and CARING. And that doesn't mean being weak and sensitive or submissive. Pay attention to the Game...

Stop thinking you need a big bankroll to meet a good woman.

Stop believing all of those lies about all women wanting men for their money.

Some women are willing to share the load. Some are willing to CARRY the load!

Look at all of the house-husbands and Stay-At-Home-Dads brave enough to show their faces on TV! Look at all of the women bringing home all of that bacon nowdays... They're making all the money while the husband stays at home and takes care of the house and kids! It's a beautiful thing...

All women aren't looking for a man with money but a REAL woman will want you to contribute SOMETHING to the relationship - especially if she's a hustler, go-getter, or driven.

You'd better be good with your hands, good in bed, pretty, pretty sexy, or a handyman or have many of the qualities I mentioned earlier if you think you're going to live off a woman for free without tying the knot.

Now, I hope I'm not encouraging anyone to be a bum and mooch and live off of a woman. That's not my intention.

All I'm saying is: You don't have to have a lot of money to find the girl of your dreams.

You have to bring SOMETHING to the table. And before anything else can happen, it has to be a great personality.

- loveqna

1 comment:

darkangel said...

Realmente es cierto como una mujer no se interesa en el hombre solo por el dinero o el carro que este pueda tener, pero si lo tiene que mejor
Yo generalmente solo sonrio a los hombres que me atraen fisicamente y el dia que conoci al unico chico que me hace mojarme con tan solo mirarme, fue una traccion magnetica
su mirada era lasciva y penetrante y yo me hacia la que no me daba cuenta y esto lo ponia mas caliente, y todo el tiempo me miraba el trasero y yo me lo veia a traves del espero y sentia su mirada justo ahi y mas movia las pompis, mas caliente se ponia y su mirada y la mia se unian y salia humo en esa habitacion, el se tocaba las piernas para q yo viera q estaba el de buen ver, y si era mas joven que yo y sus ojos verdes fijos y enormes me han excitado mas que mil versos y mil palabras, y si yo lo conquiste contoneandome ante el y el me conquisto de manera visual, aunque a decir verdad parecia que era todo un semental, justo lo que necesito.

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