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Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Leave A Bad Relationship And Be Free To Be You

 Many people, after they get out of a bad relationship, feel empty inside or somewhat "lost" and not sure what to do next in this new chapter in their lives.

They have second thoughts about the break-up or regret that they ever left.

That's why a lot of couples who aren't good for each other keep getting back together.

One of them or both feel lonely as hell or one of them feels like he or she can't make it alone (not financially, but socially, emotionally, and physically).

Usually, it's the woman because sometimes, especially at night, she wants to be held, or cuddled, or feel that she is loved, safe, and cared for. And, some men need that affection and companionship too.

Not to mention people who are newly single and need someone talk to. For many of them, sometimes, hours upon hours alone can seem like torture.Or, at least extreme boredom.

But, if you've tried everything and the relationship still sucks, and you have left, and you don't want to ever go back..., but you still feel lonely and out of sorts about your new life..., consider the blessings and options you've been given...

You're feeling awkward because you're not sure what to do next.

You just have to get used to your new territory and environment.

If you're a "home-body" go out and get some magazines or books and think about how you would like to make your new place more like the Home you want it to be. If you have cable you can watch HGTV for ideas (or some other "do it yourself home show").

Think about getting some indoor plants or something to enhance your personal space, inner energy, and vibe, since you don't have any human energy around. Start a garden. The experience of shopping will take your mind off of the boredom and feelings of being out of sync.

If you like being "out and about", get out of the house. Go out on a date or hang out with friends for a few days until you get tired of hanging out.

Clean up your wardrobe. Throw that old stuff out. New place. New clothes. New attitude.

And a new lease on life.

Change your style. Break some habits. Meditate. Become Fierce. It's a New Beginning for you.

Be whomever (and whatever) you want to be. Or, simply be who you really are. Spread your wings, but don't change. That's cool.
For those of you looking for more ideas...

Read a novel.

Write a book.

Make a video.

Work out.


Learn Astrology.

Help organize an event.

Learn more about the benefits and options offered to men and women in your situation.

Play online poker.

Plan a house-warming party with friends. Let some of them chip-in and bring some new gifts, food, and drink for you. Did you ever see that movie "My Fake Fiance'"? Same concept.

Get some cookbooks (or watch Food Network) and improve your cooking skills. You could share your food and recipes with friends.

Just keep moving forward with your life. 

Remember now that you have the power to be and do whatever you want! It's a New Adventure!

And, if you don't like being stuck in the house, plan a trip or a vacation.

You're a self-made man/woman now. You're your own boss. Revel in the fact that you can do whatever the heck you want to do!

You can be as outlandish and/or creative as you like. You can explore many more options.

You can start learning to paint. Or, you can learn how to play a musical instrument. Or, you can focus on writing reviews - whatever you want.

This transition - this new chapter in your life - doesn't have to be a "drift" in your life. It shouldn't be. It should be like a rocket-ship taking you to the Moon - or, as far out as you want go.

You have so much more control over your life and destiny now.

Focus on moving forward. Enjoy the moment. Consider your new power of independence.

You can do whatever you like.

You don't need anyone's permission to do anything. You can be as lazy as you like without feeling guilty about it.

You can do what you want without someone looking over your shoulder.

You don't have to explain anything to anybody!

You don't need that sweaty bum's approval. You don't have to listen to that loud-mouth broad complaining all day.

You can lay in bed on the computer all day  watching "Bad Girls Club" if you want to.

You have all the time in the world to do whatever YOU want to do.

There's this guy I work with who makes me sick to my stomach.

The Boy is 22 years old and he acts as timid as a nine year-old rugrat.

He's always complaining that his step-mom yells at him and makes him clean his bathroom or room - or, makes him save a certain percentage of his money. Or, that she often belittles him. Or, if he makes a decision to do something, SHE changes his plans and tells him that he can't do it.

Yesterday, he said he was going to hang out with some relatives and a friend and that THEY would probably MAKE him wear a suit or dress casual for the occasion.

I looked at this fucking jerk like he was a damned fool...

I said, "Dawg... You're 22 years old. You're a grown fucking man. Stop acting like a kid."

Then, he said, "Yeah, it's just hard to do that when she keeps making me do whatever she wants me to do."

She tells the man when to go out and get fresh air! Like she has to keep up with his breathing for him.

He and one of his close friends were going to get an apartment together and he backed out because SHE told him it would be too expensive.

He got accepted into the military and is supposed to be leaving in a few months and she berates him about how bad he sucks in his physical training exercises. "She got angry when I told her I didn't pass on my run time."

His step-mom and dad will go out and get food and not even ask him if he wants anything even if he's going to pay for it himself. They'll cook and won't leave the man a scrap of meat or even the dust from the crumbs. Shaking my head, I said, "damn... That's pitiful."

I was really talking about him.

This fool is the real life water boy from the movie "Waterboy".

And, the guy is not stupid or "slow". He's just been treated like a little boy for so long that he still thinks he's a little boy. I think the only thing that can help him now is a damn therapist - or a hypnotist.

Once those sergeants in the military get a hold of his ass, his goofy Gomer Pyle ass will straighten up. They'll make a man out of him.

I know I shouldn't get so angry about another person's life or lifestyle, but it irritates me when some people are so timid about life and allow other people to treat them like a doormat.

Why be afraid to live and enjoy life and not take control of your destiny?

Some people will stay in an abusive relationship because they're afraid of struggling, or failing, or making mistakes and being stuck for a while.


That's how you learn.

The World isn't Perfect. Life isn't perfect. You're gonna make mistakes. You're gonna face difficulty and run into problems. You're gonna have second thoughts about your decisions and the choices you make. But, you can't let that stop you from taking chances in life or growing as a person.

You can't let that stop you from getting out of these bad relationships with people who enjoy making your life a living hell.

Accept the challenge. Embrace your new adventure.

The bottom line is: Just be as wise as you can be about it. 
Prepare yourself.

Ask the right questions when you're researching and making connections. Don't be foolish with your resources. And don't be afraid to speak-up, take control, or stand up for yourself to get what you want and need.

You have the Power to succeed at anything in life. Now, all you need is the balls to use it.

- loveqna

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