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Sunday, May 27, 2012

just be cool (notes)

** just jotting down some thoughts for a possible post on confidence and conversation.

If you still feel uneasy about socializing and talking to people, just remember to be cool...

Cool, Calm, and Collected.

There's no need to over-think the situation.

Ask questions and offer input relevant to the subject or situation.

If you hate standing around with your hand in your pocket, offer to help.

Whatever you do, enjoy the moment. Mix, Mingle, and just be cool...

The great thing about being cool, calm, and collected, is that it's like you're in an active meditative state like being in The Zone. You're fully awake and your brain is "clicking on all cylinders". Your thoughts are precise. Your actions are precise. And everything you do is done with ease.

This is the way you want to live your life when you're out engaging in social events and meeting new romantic prospects.

Being cool and calm doesn't mean you can't laugh, joke, and have a good time, but you don't want to get too "crunk" (hyper) for too long and make a spectacle of yourself - Or, miss out on a good opportunity.

Have some dignity about your self.

You want that cutie-pie to admire you for your confidence, style, class, and your ability to have fun. But, you also want to show that you're "balanced" and level-headed.

Have you ever seen how some people can't go out and have a good time because they're worried, pessimistic, and/or doubtful they'll have a good time. They ain't thinking right. Those people aren't cool and calm. There are dark clouds swarming around all in their skulls and they can't be cool and relaxed and let their hair down to enjoy life and precious moments.

You can  be cool and have a good time.

When you are cool and calm, you are more focused and aware and can offer good responses and input. If you're talking to a romantic prospect, this can mean more intimate levels of mental interaction (deeper intellectual conversations). If you're in negotiations and doing business (and know what you're  doing) then being cool and calm can help you attain more win-win situations - or come out on top (whichever you prefer).

being cool, calm, and collected will help you see things and evaluate decisions (before you make them) more clearly. reduce irrational behavior, actions, and decisions - haste makes waste

being cool, calm, and collected will help you avoid jumping to conclusions and over-reacting.

If you're impulsive like me (I'm an Aries) then you know that being cool and calm can save you a ton of money. This is extremely good for compulsive shoppers and impulsive shoppers who will spend and spend and spend their paychecks on knick-knacks, meaningless trinkets, and junk food, instead of saving for more larger more important products and social experiences like traveling, dining out with your boo, or buying a special gift.

It can also help you avoid confusion, misunderstandings, and drama - especially if you're hasty with words or have a tendency to say whatever comes to your mind.

you will appear more confident in the eyes of others - even if you are NOT confident because you're relaxed and NOT distracted by people or events or situations that can cause drama, doubt, or worry. You cast aside everything that's trivial and you prioritize and deal with issues that actually affect your life or work or relationships.

being cool and calm will help you draw from experience easier - during this time you will have a sharper memory and therefore, you will be wiser in your relationships, business dealings, work, conversations

your instincts will become sharper because your mind is not flooded with emotions

Don't start worrying and trippin' before you go out.

Remember to stay in constant practice with improving your conversation skills and social skills.

If you don't practice and engage, that's the only reason why you should worry. Other than that, you should be having a good time.

So, Practice... and, just be cool.

- loveqna

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