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Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Stay Away From Crybabies And Whining Men And Women

If you want to enjoy a peaceful, PRODUCTIVE, and sane life, stay away from a guy and girl who constantly whines about his or her relationship.

I mean, there's nothing wrong with helping people (you SHOULD try to help if you can) - but, when you have a friend who asks for your advice EVERYDAY about the SAME SITUATION, and the SAME PERSON... and, complains time and time again about the bum mistreating him or her and doing him or her wrong, and you give the best advice, suggestions, and opinions that you can give, and yet they STILL WON'T LISTEN... that's when you just have to "throw in the towel" and say "I give up."


No matter what you say, they're still gonna whine and complain. And, they're still gonna go back to that bum and put up with all kinds of crap, and get disrespected and abused yet again, and come back running to you yappin about the same damn problems...

Man, I don't want to hear that crap every day... Get the hell out of here with all of that damn whining and those negative vibes...

It's like they've developed appetite for it and can't get enough of it - especially when they see You. They HAVE to talk about how bad their situation and life is - ALL the damn time.

It's like, every time they see you, they come runnin' - ready to tell you what their mean-ass deceitful lying sneaky boyfriend, girlfriend, or husband, or wife, has done wrong within the last fifteen or twenty minutes - if you're lucky.

If they start talking about what happened the day before, you're gonna be stuck for a while since they've had to time to think about the "drama" and come up with all kinds of ideas, fantasies, questions, and opinions as to why their relationship is falling apart or not going the way they think it should.

I swear, it seems like these "crybabies" LOOK for trouble just so they'll have something to talk about. It's like they're not happy unless they HAVE drama in their lives.

Now, I know sometimes when people are going through hard times in their relationships, there are issues that can't be cured overnight or in a week (and maybe even not in a year), But, if these people are not trying to make any progress - or, at least, talking about the progress they're making (or, changes that they're making in their lives), then it's time to "cut the line" and change the subject, because they're not trying to improve their situation.

They talk about how bad they feel and how much they've been neglected, used, and abused, yet they keep going back to the bum for more - and, sucking other people into the drama as well. Causing grief and arguments left and right.

All they have to do is leave.

But, their problems aren't bad enough for them to change. So, why are you so worked up about it? Let it go. Recommend professional help and get on with your life.

You've already given them good advice. They know they're being "played", used, and abused, yet they keep going back for more.

If they're too damn dumb to leave the relationship, just accept the fact that they're crazy as hell or crazy in love and leave it alone.

Don't stress yourself out or get frustrated about it (especially if you're a parent).

Tell them to Get out of the relationship if it's causing that much pain. Or, advise that they talk to a counselor.

But, that's not what they want to do. They want to stick around and constantly fuss and fight with the bum (or suffer the abuse) although the bum they're with is not even trying to improve the relationship or make it work.

And, they're running back to him or her - blabbering their mouth off - and telling that skeezer everything you've said...

Get away from that mess!

Don't let that crybaby drag you into the drama! You don't need the distraction in your life. It can ruin YOUR relationship!


Your relationship might start falling apart because you're spending all of YOUR time on the phone with your friend and neglecting your duties to your partner. He or she needs attention, affection, quality time, and conversation, too.

Your partner doesn't want to sit around twiddling his or her thumbs while you're spending all of your time engaged in some foolish drama. That might cause grief and spite between the both of you.

Then, the next thing you know, you'll be the one carrying around those bad vibes and whining everyday.

Help if you can, but realize when you can't, and let that crap go.

The best way to help someone like that is by letting someone who gets paid to help "troubled couples" take over.

Why continue to waste your time?

If they're not taking heed to your advice, you're just flappin' your gums and yappin' for no reason anyway.

- loveqna

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

escritor de mierda

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