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Tuesday, November 16, 2010

How To Spot A Sex Addict

Today, I want to talk about sexual addiction.

After Tiger Woods got caught cheating and decided to check himself into "rehab" for his sexual addiction, there were critics and analysts and haters coming out of the wood-work claiming he was using "sexual addiction" as an excuse and that he would say and do Anything to keep from losing his sponsorships.

I don't know if that's true or not. I don't know Tiger. I'm not a golf fan or a Tiger Woods fan.


People can be addicted to anything - video games, shopping, smoking, drinking, drugs, chocolate, driving fast, a certain food, a hobby, a sport, kissing feet, Anything. And that includes Sex.

When people hear someone say that they're a sex addict, they think that the person is saying that he or she is having sex everyday!

Sex addicts don't necessarily have sex on a daily or weekly basis. They may WANT to have sex everyday... But, being a sex addict doesn't guarantee that they are having sex regularly - or that they are having sex at all. It's just the fact that sex is on their mind all the time.

Open your eyes. You probably KNOW quite a few people who are sex addicts!

It's a real addiction.

Any person is a sex addict if he or she has experienced the thrill of a certain type of sex, thinks about it all the time, and wants to experience it again and again, and as much as possible.

And, just because they don't get what they want, that doesn't make the desire any less of an addiction.

When the addict can't get what he or she wants, he or she will still fantasize about the "situation" and enjoy the "experience" any way they can. More than likely by daydreaming or watching "adult flicks" and masturbating.

And, you can recognize these addicts by observing their behavior, interests, and habits...

- Some sex addicts enjoy watching "adult flicks" on the Net everyday.

- Some sex addicts have fetishes but constantly fantasize about sex or sex with certain people (a certain nationality or race or type).

- A sex addict might masturbate often.

- A pervert, a "peeping Tom", and a sexual predator are ALL sex addicts.

- A sex addict is sometimes referred to as a nymphomaniac, a "player", a "trick", or a ho.

- A sex addict is a man or woman who constantly spends money on other men or women for sexual pleasure.

- Sexual encounters and gratification is high on a sex addict's list of priorities. These addicts talk about their sexual encounters and desires ALL the time.

- Some "compulsive flirts" are sex addicts. They can't complete a sentence with using some sexual reference or innuendos.

Many of these people need help.

They can't save any money or live a decent honest life with another person because sex is an obsession for them.

And, the bad thing about it is, most of these bums don't want to change and don't want professional help - even though they keep creating drama in their love-life and ruining some possibly good relationships.

No matter what anyone says, Sex CAN be an obsession for some people.

Some famous people have been caught in scandals because they put sex before business or politics or marriage. You see these people on TV all the time - mad as hell because they got caught or crying because they've ruined their image and life.

I like to read the comment boards on the Net and see what "regular folks" have to say about all the drama and the "excuses" these famous people give after they've been exposed.

If some of these average Joes and Janes had their way, most of these celebrities and politicians would be burned at the stake! Or, tarred, feathered, and run out of town. They don't even know what's going on in these famous people's lives. Or, what situations (or pains) those poor slobs are dealing with.

And, at least half of these Janes and Joes are hypocrites...

Maybe they aren't cheaters or involved in scandals, but many of them are sexual addicts also. they're either masturbating or they ogling booty all day.

But, be honest: We don't know how or why these people get themselves into these situations. There are all kinds of reasons why a person can become addicted to sex - or Anything for that matter.

Here are a few examples...

Being neglected (sexually and/or intimately) can cause some to search for it, explore it, and become addicted to it.

Being curious about Sex or a certain type of sex or a certain type of lifestyle can cause a person to become addicted to sex - or a certain type of sexual experience.

Being introduced to an "enlightening" sexual experience can cause it.

Who knows how it happens?

So, the World may be full of sex addicts. You probably pass right by hundreds of them everyday. So, be careful of who you shake hands with...

- loveqna

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