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Thursday, November 10, 2011

Guys Beware... Women Don't Want Love. They Want A Handy-Man.

Ain't no need in me beating around the bush. I know the title alone is somewhat offensive.

But, it's true for most women out here. Especially if the woman is mature, or a Cougar, or a "Lady of Means". These types of women will put your ass to work! And, work you like a damn mule!

Cutting grass
Raking and bagging leaves
Assembling furniture and other products
Moving and Loading
Car washing
Building Shelves
Running errands
Killing bugs
Changing light bulbs
Cleaning gutters
Cutting down trees
etc. etc. etc.

And then, on top of all of that, they worry you half to damn death about what you should do, need to do, should've done, could've done, and haven't done yet...

Good Gracious.

No wonder so many wives out-live their husbands! They've done worked the hell out the poor slobs.

These women-folk are sittin' back taking it easy while we men do all the work. It's a shame and a damn scandal.

That's why a lot of these men run off!

okay, okay. I'm only kidding - a little bit.

We all know that there are many women out here who are very much capable of running a home AND a family on their own without a man. And, we all know that there are many women out here who work just as hard and as smart as many men do - some even smarter. I'm just yanking your chains a little bit.

But seriously...

You know just as well as I do, there are SOME women out here who will run a man into the ground with constant work and errands and chores if he ain't strong enough to block-out her nagging and ranting.

I see broken-down old geezers come into the store all the time - on their last legs; barely walking - trying their best to do whatever their old brittle bones and slight muscles will allow them to do to keep their women happy.

I also see some guys who hate being with their wives and when I ask them how long they've been married, they'll tell me out right: "too long." - and keep walking.

And, these sweet little old ladies are so funny. They never hear the guy say this but they know the man is aggravated with them and want to get away from them, but seem to enjoy seeing these guys irritated and agitated and huffin' and puffin' and pacing around. Those old ladies torture the hell out their men. lol.

I admit, it IS aggravating as hell when you explain something to a woman a hundred times and she still just doesn't get it. Even when other women help explain the product, or how to use it, or why the customer should use it, some women still just don't get it... She'll keep asking a million irrelevant damn questions. lol. And, it drives their husbands insane. lol. Those poor bastards. You can see that they just want rip their hair out. lol.

I don't feel sorry for those old-timers because I know that one day THAT will be me.

My Ex (my sugar-mama) was the same way. She knew everything. I couldn't tell her anything. She was always right. And, always had to do things her way instead of the easy way or the best way.

A lot of women don't realize just how mentally draining this is to men and they do this over and over and over again - everywhere they go and - to the man - it just wastes time and often creates more work!

That's why a lot of men don't like going anywhere with their wives or girlfriends. These women have to ask at least a thousand questions before they decide what direction their gonna go in. And, later on, they still question whether or not they made the right decision!

They'll waste your whole damn day picking out a single light bulb!

But, guys, you know women have to have time to make up their mind about anything. I don't know why, but that's just how it is. That's why "Shopping" is the ultimate female sport! The worst "athletes" shop AFTER they get into the store. The best "athletes" cut coupons, plan, know what they want, and shop BEFORE they go into the store. You've got to find a way to train your "athlete" so you don't keep getting frustrated with her performance, and thus - keep ending up with the short end of the stick.

And, I'll tell you what else will drive you nuts...

It's a woman who has imposed her will on a man to go shopping to help her pick out things needed around the house, and she's not even paying attention to what's going on! She's on the phone yappin' to one of her friends or trying to multi-task, and after HE'S done picked out everything they need (or, doesn't see anything he likes), then she wants to go back and look over the OTHER merchandise again that she should've looked at and helped decide on the first time.

Some men wouldn't mind "doing things together" with their woman if the woman was involved or really cared about his opinion! All that phone action is just rude as hell anyway. I can't stand it.

Women don't realize it... (and, some of you guys who love to yap on the damn phone with your buddies and relatives all the time need to take heed also!) This habit is very annoying and irritating. It's also why a lot of guys don't like to go ANYWHERE with their woman. They'd rather stay home and be bored than to be "trapped" with their wife or girlfriend for half an hour "shopping" and running around in circles while she's on the phone.

If you're gonna be with me then "be with me". Give me your attention and get your ass off of the phone.

I'm not going to go on and on anymore but there's something that guys should realize too!

Just as man's life is hard as a woman's "handy-man" so is a woman's life hard as a man's "house-maid". If you have a woman - or, before you get one - don't look at her in that way. Don't feel like she should work herself to death to please you while you sit around on your ass giving out orders and chores for her to do. You're just as responsible for keeping that house clean and those children fed just as much as she is. And, in most cases, HER job is twice as hard as yours (even though you work full time) if not more.

(One of these days, I'm gonna post some videos of the two bad-ass rugrats I had to take care of almost every day and you'll see what a handful they were. I lovem but they worried me half to damn death.)

Okay, so the "moral" of this post is this:

You HAVE to work for it if you want to have something good. And, you appreciate it more.


If you meet a self-made woman, or a Cougar, or a Diva, BE PREPARED to work your ass off and have your blood pressure rise to astronomical heights!

If don't like to get dirty or stay on the go, avoid these types of women or learn patience. Or, I hope you're the type of person who loves that type of lifestyle where you're constantly busy, on the move, and on the go.

Be aware that relationships with these women usually don't last. These women usually have "a friend" because they are so self-involved about the things they HAVE to do or get done. Don't expect to be a top priority in her life unless you find "the key" to breaking her focus and capturing her heart. And, you're wasting your breath if you think you're going to talk her into seeing your point of view or believing anything different.

The end of the "moral" is this: Realize that this kind of living is what most men are afraid of when it comes to getting married. The hard work, the neglect, the nagging, all of it. These guys don't want to be trapped in that lifestyle. They don't want to be a woman's handy-man and workhorse. They want to enjoy Life. They want to love their woman They want to have some good times with their woman, yet they wanna be free.

- loveqna

1 comment:

hawaii personals said...

Thanks for awareness,keep such nice
informative blogs up.
Thanks A Lot Again...

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