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Thursday, November 10, 2011

SoulMate Vs. Dream-mate

There's not a day that goes by when I'm at work that I don't see a beautiful woman. Like I've said before, hundreds of people come into the store every day. And every day, I see a beautiful woman that could potentially be the girl of my dreams. Hell, I see 20 or 30 of them that could potentially be the girl of my dreams... But, could any one of those broads be my soulmate? Or, a candidate for my soulmate?

Whenever I hear people talking about looking for their soulmate or waiting to meet their soulmate, I'm always skeptical.

I'm a firm believer that any ONE of us has thousands or millions of people that we're compatible with. But, most people - including myself - are so picky that we overlook the man or woman that is good for us and that could be a real benefit to our lives.

All of us aren't looking for a soulmate although we claim we are. Most of us are looking for that "Dream Girl" or "Dream Guy" with the good looks, perfect health, handsome smile, nice body, etc. We want this person to be kind, have at least a few interests in common, be madly in love with us, so on and so forth. We want our friends and family to like them, admire, and approve of them. We want them to be (in our eyes) "perfect".

But, although we might meet a person who has most of the qualities we're looking for, we still manage to find something wrong with them or something about them (their habits or personality) that we'd like to change. And, sometimes, when that's not the case, there's something about US they don't like or would like to change.

And even when that's not the case! There's something about the RELATIONSHIP we'd like to change.

We're never satisfied!

What are we REALLY looking for??? What do we really want? Most people don't know. Most people who want to meet or find their soulmate, don't know.

I'm sure that's why there are so many divorces and break-ups and "time-outs". People THINK they know what they want until they get it. Then, realize there's more to the equation!

(some people NEVER seem to realize this)

A lot of people out there look at a man or woman as a 2D or 3D object. An "Accessory" to compliment THEIR appearance or lifestyle or to impress their friends. Or, they look at the person as something of beauty that they can "own" or something exciting that they can experience.

But, after constant interaction, and being around each other for a while, they realize that everything they saw on the surface isn't worth all of the trouble underneath.

Now, when you meet your SoulMate, it's different.

With your Soulmate there is a "connection".

There's not much about each other (probably NOTHING about each other) you'd care to change. You can accept each other as you both are.

It may happen instantly. Or, it may take some time.

But, those who are willing to take the time to get to know a potential mate might discover that their soulmate is staring them right in the face.

Many people DON'T want to take the time (or make the effort) and discover too late that they let a good thing get away!

They don't put in the time necessary to connect with the person. They don't want to compromise or listen to reason.

They'd rather argue and debate about everything, and fantasize about other people's partners while they have a "prize" staring them right in the face.

They allow many of the distractions of Life to get in the way of the Love they've been searching for and need. There weakness an lack of self-control makes it hard for them to realize they have the potential to turn a good thing into something special.

He or she doesn't know how to handle the situation. He or she doesn't know how to support and love another person. Or, he or she isn't wise enough to see his or her faults or the destruction that his or her character or habits are causing.

Now, I'm not saying that you should settle or devote your self to someone just because he or she cares a great deal for you. But, most of us have to take a step back and look at ourselves and evaluate our thinking and wisdom and make sure we're not screwing up our lives by falling under the spell of lust, fantasy, or the status quo.

We've got to open our mouths and make moves if we are to meet that special someone or realize that he or she is sitting right under our very nose right now.

Your current boyfriend or girlfriend or spouse or co-worker or someone you pass on the street everyday could be the person you've been searching for all your life! But, you have to really get to know him or her to find out. You have to know YOURSELF also.

Maybe it's a match made in heaven, maybe not. But, you'll never know unless you make a move to see if there is a real connection.

I was dumb as hell and a total jackass.

There were girls that I knew I had chemistry with and I enjoyed being around but I couldn't stop partying and hanging out with the fellas.

I was going through a bit of depression at the time and didn't try to fight it, but some of these girls knew it and tried to help me as best they could. But, I wouldn't listen. I was stubborn and just tried to deal with it by drinking and partying and chasing women almost every night.

Don't be like me!

Sit down and consider your situation and your future. Realize a good thing when you've got it! Build on it and turn it into something special.


If this person is your soulmate, you'll realize it early on. You'll feel it. The chemistry will BE there. Don't take it for granted. Don't let your relationship get stale and boring.

Don't get caught-up in the distractions of the World.

If that person is giving you the gift of his or her heart, love, and support, do the right thing and return the favor.

Again, use your instincts and make sure that he or she is The One. Don't waste your time and energy on something that is going nowhere. Because if that girl or guy is not The One and not accepting you or showing you love and support properly, do the right thing for yourself! And kick that ass straight to the curb.

- loveqna

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