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Friday, October 28, 2011

Good Vibes - The Real Confidence Booster - notes

I'm gonna try to keep this short because I want to post other notes to help you just in case you decide to go out partying this weekend...


Macy Gray - Beauty In The World

Video provided by - MacyGrayVEVO


In one of the previous posts (How To Improve (or Boost) Confidence - Tactics and Techniques - notes) I suggested that you should want to tap into your psyche and realize any activity, situation, object, or idea that might help you boost your confidence and to use it as a catalyst or a vehicle to ignite AND maintain your confidence in social situations.

If money gives you swagger, stack some cash.

If you feel better when your hair and nails are done, go to the beauty shop and tell them to fix you up.

If having a nice car makes you feel better about yourself, focus on treating yourself to that.

But, what if you're broke (poor) and can't afford to get your hair and nails done? Or, you can't afford the payments on a hot car???

What do you look to or WHERE do you look for confidence then?

One way is through achievement of your goals.

Think about it...

When you accomplish ANY goal, no matter how large or small, you feel better when you've gotten the thing taken care of and done with. You feel better because you don't have to worry, stress, or attend to it any more.

You might even feel proud about it and tell people all you had to go through to get the goal accomplished.

But, you really feel good because you now move on with your life and work on something new or chill. And, you have more time to do other things than to mess with THAT goal anymore. You're Free from what EVER it was you HAD to do.

Who likes running errands?

Who likes doing home repairs?

Who likes going waiting in lines?


But, once you get those chores done and out of the way, you feel a heck of a lot better because you feel free!

Your wife (or husband) is happy. You don't have to fight traffic or waste your time stopping by the store when you could be spending valuable time working on your golf swing.

You now have your life back and you can relax and do whatever you like because you don't have to plan or work and re-work your schedule to attend to those goals.

Imagine that feeling for a moment...

Being free.

You don't owe anyone anything.

You're not obligated to anyone to do anything.

There's no place you have to be at a certain time.

No deadlines.

You can go wherever you want to go and come and go as you please.

No questions asked.

Imagine having that much freedom when you go out and socialize...

You can stay as long as you like and have as much fun as you want to have.

Now, let's dig a little bit deeper.

Let's imagine that you don't owe anyone anything.

You're not obligated to anyone for anything.

You don't need anything from anyone.

You don't have to impress anyone.

Again, you're free.

Your only goals are to follow your own rules, do what you like, and to have a good time.

You can strike up a conversation with whomever you want and talk about whatever you like.

The idea is to be free and to enjoy life.

It's all about having a good time no matter what material possessions you have or don't have.

It's all about having fun and enjoying life no matter how you look or how much money you've got.

People criticize and judge, but everybody is not judging You.

And, if they are, so what? Who cares???

You're your own Man or Woman.

You know what you want and you that eventually you will get it. And, deep down, you know HOW to get it. Nothing can stop you except You. And, because you know what you're about; and you know your heart, and what you have to offer to the World; Now is the time to relax, let your hair down, and have fun.

Keep that in mind.

Live Free and Enjoy Your Life.

- loveqna

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