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Friday, December 2, 2011

Don't Let A Toxic Relationship Bring You Down

Queen - 'Another One Bites the Dust'

Video provided by - queenofficial


These mean-ass manipulating men and crazy-ass psychotic women make my blood boil!

I'm sick ovem!

Why in the hell would you let that asshole play games with your mind and emotions???

Why are you allowing that scumbag to manipulate you and abuse you?

Why are you settling for a sub-standard way of surviving when you could be living the life you deserve and enjoying life to the fullest???

You don't have to settle for a life of heartache and pain and loneliness!

This way of life that you're living only robs you of the Joy and Happiness that every man and woman deserves.

Men and Women weren't meant to live in Fear all the days of their life!

You shouldn't be cut off from your Friends and Family!

You deserve to be loved just like everybody else!

Tell that no-good rat-soup eatin' bum to kiss your ass!

Go to the people that REALLY love and appreciate you. People who really care about you. People who want to see you happy.

Why should you stay in a place with a crumbcake-ass loser who doesn't inspire you, who doesn't love you, who gets joy out of using and abusing you, and who's crazy as hell???

I'm sick of these damn tyrants! Lock every last one of their asses up!

Let THEM get abused and mistreated and neglected for a while and see how they like it.

Don't believe their lies and guilt-tripping schemes.

They'll say and do anything to keep you around as their "punching bag".

Face it! The bum is crazy!

Ain't no need in you sticking around and trying to change him (or her).

That lousy-ass rat ain't gonna change until he or she is ready to change.

He or She ain't gonna stop playing games until he or she is Ready to stop playing games.

Sometimes, you've just gotta give people like that their space so that they can see the error of their ways.

You can talk and beg and plead and try to compromise until you are blue in the face and they still won't have a clue about all the wrong they're doing.

Let that guy or girl go. Man-up or Woman-up and move on with your life. The Drama ain't worth it.

Being played and cheated on and berated and cussed out every day ain't worth it.

You HAVE a Higher Power within you. You ARE strong enough to survive on your own.

We all have self-preservation instincts. You just have to have the courage to let yours take over and not fall to your knees and simply accept the abuse that comes your way.

Look for resources and help for a way out of the mess you're in!

Be a Survivor! Be Strong!

Resort to your own bag of tricks, games, and tactics to get yourself out this hell-hole that you've fell in.

You might think you can't move on with your life because you NEED this person financially or for security or because you're in love or because you're afraid to tell him or her that you're NOT in love anymore, but you can do it...

Plan your "escape", Stack your cash, make some connections, and LEAVE.

Now, if this person is REALLY crazy as hell, don't go anywhere that he or she can track you down!

If anything, use reverse psychology! Play the jealous lover role! Or, something. Nag him or her to death. Be a match-maker and hook him or her up with one of your enemies. Let those two bums have each other.

Do anything to make him or her LEAVE YOU (if the bum is crazy as hell).

If you have a good support system like family or friends or a co-worker to stay with for a while until you get back on your feet, that's always a plus. Just make sure you respect their hospitality, their friendship, and their home, so that will be there for you if ever you should need them again.

You should have plenty of people on your side. Everybody knows that's no way for anyone to live or be treated and are willing to help any way they can.

You just have to be willing to have the strength to help yourself.

I know some people feel beat-down so much that they're depressed and lack the motivation to make a move and get out their terrible situation. But, sometimes, you've just got to mad and say "the hell with shit! I'm out!"

And, pack your bags and get gone.

Don't worry about what you're gonna lose or what you're leaving behind... Forget that crap! Half of that stuff you don't need and the other half you probably weren't using anyway!

Some people will stick around in dire situations and suffer themselves to be another person's personal maid or slave just because they enjoy the comforts of the person's home or just because they're able to enjoy free cable and Internet service. WTF???

Man... Screw those luxuries and go and get your own shit!

I know a toxic relationship is a hundred times worse with an abusive psycho and you might fear making a move because you've never been on your own... But, you can Learn.

Screw those luxuries and go and get your own shit!

People out there are willing to help you.

Get out and ask questions and learn and talk to friends and family and whoever else and find you a safe place or a room mate and move on with your life.

You can do it!

Hell, I've made mistakes all my life and look at me now!

I ain't livin' "high on the hog", but guess what?

Life Is Good.

And, it can be good for you too. All you have to do is start making moves.

- loveqna

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