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Friday, January 20, 2012

Love And Hate - notes

WARNING: This post may be considered controversial so close your eyes if you have a weak stomach.

Love And Hate - notes (an incomplete mix of a few recurring thoughts meshed and mashed together)


Bob Marley - One Love

Video provided by - ReggaeMan900


Now, I understand that some people have preferences when it comes to dating and relationships. I admit, I'm kind of particular about who I date also.

I also understand that some people have fixations, fetishes, and fantasies about being in a romantic relationship with a certain type.

I think most people would agree (if they really thought about it) that some of us can't help our addictions. Or, conquer them overnight.

Some of us can't help who we're attracted to. Or, what type of person we're attracted to. Or, what race we're attracted to.

But, what really irritates me and (I'm sure), many of the romantics and some of the single men and women out there are those people who have the gall to pass up on a good man or good woman because of their social status or the color of their skin.

Not only have I met people who refuse to date OUTSIDE of their race or "class" and social circle. BUT!

I've met people who refuse to date WITHIN their race and social circle!

Look around! You see these folks everywhere!

Blacks who won't date blacks. Whites who don't date whites. Asians who don't date Asians. Americans who refuse to date Americans... Hispanics who don't date certain Hispanics. Good guys and girls who prefer thugs and hoodrats over girls and guys who have class and character!

I know fixations and addictions are hard to fight (especially if you've ever experienced Ecstasy with a certain type). But, let's admit it: Some people will pass on "a good thing" simply because they are prejudice, or have parents or friends who are prejudice.

They'll refuse Love or let a good prospect walk RIGHT OUT OF THEIR LIFE because of their arrogance or delusional thinking/ brainwashed/ influences won't allow their instincts/intuition to tell them when they have a good man or woman (of another race or OF THEIR RACE) staring them right in the face!

I know culture and religious backgrounds are important to many people, but God doesn't care about that. And, True Love is blind. So, why pass on someone who is good FOR you and who wants to be good TO you for a risky relationship with someone who could care less about you and who would abuse you and use you?

What the hell???

Some people would rather throw away their dreams chasing a nightmare.

I know what you're saying: It's ALL a risk.


IF you don't use Wisdom and your Good Instincts to take the time and choose wisely.

AND, if you don't love your mate the way he or she deserves to be loved to draw good loving out so that you will be blessed with love in return.

Yea, you can make mistakes choosing outside of your "preferred type". But, you can also find a Blessing outside of your "preferred type".

Sometimes, you don't know what you're looking for UNTIL you find it.

If any race was better than the other, why would God plant the seed for the birth of Universe so that we would be created and share this World???

If any of us were better than the other, why do we all live within the same dimensions of life and eventually die?

If we were born to serve or to rule each other, why do we ridicule, fight against, and destroy, our own kind?

If you are superior, why are you looked down on by members of your own race?

And, the craziest thing about it is: It doesn't matter if you're on the bottom or the top, or if you're rich or poor, or ugly or beautiful, or have high social status or low social status, there are people of your OWN RACE who will despise you for one reason or another - no matter how good or superior you proclaim yourself, or your race, or your religion, or your nationality to be.

God doesn't give a rats ass if you're an Intellectual or a Dumbass - or, if you're the strongest person in the World or the weakest... Or, clueless. The System is set-up so that, one day, you'll fade away.

And, if you die without True Wisdom and Understanding of Life, you'll be doing a disservice to those after you.

Even worse: If you die without ever knowing True Love, you will have lived your life without experiencing EVERY EMOTION there is! You will have lived an incomplete life!

You might know Joy, Pain, Anger, Fear, and Sadness. BUT! You will never have known Intimate Love on a Human or Spiritual basis.

You will have never learned all you need to know about Life.

How could you ever understand what Life is really about unless you've experienced all dimensions of it???

How could you understand all aspects of life if you haven't experienced all of your emotions?

How could you really teach your children - or the next generation - or sway the minds of those who are ignorant to all the aspects of Life unless you've experienced it for yourself?

Ain't no way in hell.

A lot of people out there claim they have loved but they have no love in their life. They don't THIRST for love.

As strong and as great as love is, you would think they would crave Love like an addiction.

But, look around... It's sad to say but it seems there is more hate and deceit and tyranny than Love.

Why do you think the World is going to hell in a handbasket right now? Because so many people are UNABLE to teach the next generation what they need to know to make the World a better place for all.

Many of these "teachers" are closed-minded and don't know about Love.

They're consumed by prejudice and arrogance.

(And, that's what those after them learn from them.)

Most of them will keep going from relationship to relationship - outside, or inside of their race, "class", or social circle.

They'll never see the light or choose wisely because their instincts and judgement will always be clouded by their pride and ignorance.

Don't fall into that trap.

Now, I'm not suggesting you ignore your preferences or fixations or date someone just because you feel guilt or sympathy for him or her.

Choose carefully the "type" you like, but follow your heart.

And, above all, Choose Wisely. No matter Who or WHAT they are.

- loveqna

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