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Saturday, January 21, 2012

notes - Don't Let Those Jackasses Break Your Spirit

I know I'm posting a lot of notes lately. I have a lot on my mind, but my time is limited since I'm working 3rd shift again, so I'm posting some of my thoughts and plans as notes to be updated later when I go on vacation.

I might not go skiing. I told you some of those bums where kind of "shaky". They thought we would be able to use the cabin next week and it was already reserved. So, they're going the week after next, and I've already put in my request for next week off and can't change it due to some of my co-workers already requesting those days.

Well, that's life.

I'm not gonna let it worry me. I'm gonna enjoy my time off.




people can call you names and beat you up but don't let them beat you down and make you feel sorry for yourself or hate your life - to hell with those jackasses!

don't give those rat bastards power over your Mind and Spirit! they can kiss your ass! screw those bums.

some people always have to have some bullshit going on because they're small-minded and can't think of anything else to do with their boring-ass lives

people might look at you as odd because of the way you look, or because of your personality, but don't let that stop you from forging ahead

as Jim Rohn said, you must make yourself more valuable to the people who need you - screw the wackos, the tyrants, the clowns, and the bullies

the people who want to break you down should be the last of your focus unless they can put obstacles in your way or cause you to lose time, money, or energy. and if they can do that, get away from them whenever and however you can

if you have to be around them, teach your mind to deal with them

stand tall and be resilient! don't whine or cry! the hell withem!

learn ways to respond to their wisecracks, bullying, and tyranny

such as silence, Jedi mind tricks, asking questions to distract them, asking questions to make them explain in detail or to run,

realize what options you have and search for more options - ask around

don't stay in that place just for the comfort. if you have a guaranteed safe place to go that will allow you growth and peace of mind, make the move

is there a habit or pleasure or addiction or some form of recreation you need to stop for a while in order to save money

sometimes, you can stand up for yourself and give a bully a cold stare to confirm his strength or weakness

when someone starts to "clown around" too much or become too playful, cut that shit short early on. let them know you don't play immature games and that you mean business. don't be so cold but don't laugh it off either or they may keep it up

size matters to a lot of people. if you have to workout and buff-up or tone to shake them up a little bit, do it

if you have to learn martial arts or hand-to-hand combat, to feel more confident - do it

often, your body language and movements and the walk you walk affect whether people challenge you or not. if you walk and move with uncertainty or doubt, you may end up being a target

if you act clueless, you may end up being a target

you must walk with confidence and certainty to keep away mischief but, it may also get you more attention

if your walk is menacing, you may not be challenged but you may be unapproachable

your attitude must always be positive to keep people from affecting you emotionally

remind people that torment you that God will punish them - even if you're an atheist

remind people what goes around comes around or that bad karma will catch up with them one day

remind evil-doers to change their ways before it's too late - let them know that the time is at hand (time for you to whip some ass if they keep it up)

if you have a style that you're proud of and you're enjoying life and getting what you want out of it, screw what other people think - "DO You"

if you think you might need a style makeover to help improve certain aspects of your life such as your love life, or job, then go for it. but, i would start small and not extreme

learn to be self-sufficient so that you don't have to depend on those jackasses and jerks for anything

build your circle of friends so that you can have somewhere to go and chill to get away from the stress and frustration. if you can't get away, learn a new hobby or interest or fixation that will help you take your mind off of the mess you're in

take care of your mind and emotions so that you do not fall in love too easily. if you meet someone, get to know him or her well as friends, then companions, and if it builds from there, so be it. this is the natural order anyway.

don't rush into anything at this time, because your heart and mind could be longing for the love you're not getting and looking for an escape from your current situation. so, you might not choose wisely. OR, you might rush in and scare the person off. OR, you might be making a big deal out of nothing and end up with a broken heart.

furthermore, don't GIVE people a reason to doubt you or to interrogate you. Don't talk down about yourself or be too humble. when problems arise, it might look like you're to blame. OR, people will use you as a scapegoat. so, it will become a habit that you don't need to have around certain people. these people might take your kindness for weakness

Don't think about or mention failure! Be Fierce! Be Ferocious! Enjoy the competition! Work hard to succeed! Work hard to Win!

And, stay on the go! Keep making moves that benefit your life or that take you closer to a life of love and self-sufficiency.

you don't want to be dependent on an asshole for anything! he or she will constantly try to dominate your life, make you weak, and keep you down.

keep looking to build your allies, strength, wisdom, education, skills, and resources. plan, and get the hell away from there as soon as you can.

end of notes

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