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Monday, October 4, 2010

Why Don't People Just Leave The Relationship If They're So Unhappy?

If you've ever been in serious relationship, living with a boyfriend or girlfriend, or married, then you know that "just packing up and leaving" is not always as easy as it sounds. Some people can do it. Some people can't. Some people have no choice - especially if your mate puts your ass out before you can leave. And even then, some of those people (the ones that don't want to be in the relationship) beg to go back because they have no money or nowhere else to go.

You might have "friends" or associates or coworkers that listen to all of your problems about your relationship drama and recommend that you leave the relationship but none of those people are offering you an invitation to stay at their house. Only your true friends and family are gonna do that. And some of them may only do it if it's an emergency - like you just got your ass kicked and they feel sorry for you.

Everybody's got their own story and reason for staying...

Some may be saving and plotting for the right time to make their "escape".
Some feel they have too much to lose.
Some believe the person they love with eventually change.
Some have children and need financial support.
Some don't want to break up their home - even if it IS in a mess.
And some people are just crazy in love.

All situations aren't the same. Everybody has their own reason.

The other day at work, this guy was so depressed he started talking to me about how bad being married to his wife was and how hard she was on him. She was demanding, pushy, domineering. She called him names, never thanked him, and never seemed to appreciate him. He sounded like a whupped dog. Not only was HE sick and tired of her but so was his sons and HER sister. He said he didn't know why the two sisters don't like each other but he was sure it was his wife's fault because she's always criticizing and complaining. That poor sap. I could relate to everything he was telling me but I was glad I wasn't in a situation as bad as his. Then he told me he had been married to her for 44 years! I was so shocked I forgot he was a customer. I said, "Damn! The hell with that! I would've Been Gone!"

Then I asked him, "Man, how did you do it? How did you survive a marriage like that for 44 years?" His response was: "Just keep Mama happy. Cause if Mama ain't happy, ain't nobody happy."

Then his cellphone rang. It was Mama. He reported his whereabouts, gave his ETA (Expected Time of Arrival) back home, and said, "Okay Honey. See you in a little bit. Love you too. Bye bye." He rolled his eyes but he looked sad, tired, and disgusted when he hung that phone up. She was puttin' his ass to work and making sure he wasn't goofing off. And with his "honey-do" list in hand, he raced off to get those products back home to Mama.

I was skeptical. I thought to myself: "Keep mama happy??? There's got to be more to it than that." Personally, I think he doesn't want to lose half of his sh*t in a divorce settlement... but you never know.

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