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Saturday, December 11, 2010

Sex Restrictions Create Global Turmoil

Now... What couples do behind closed doors is their business. But I was mad as hell when I found out that there were so many men and women out there suffering from lack of affection and sexual experiences with their mates.

Let me tell you the reason why it pisses me off... And, I'm sure it will piss you off too once you realize what's been going on and how it affects you.

Think about this... And, I'm 100% sure you'll agree.

To many people, sex is a very important "benefit" in a relationship. Not only does it do your body good, it's also one of the best ways to connect with your partner.

Good Loving helps you get to know More about each other and helps you express your deeper emotions.

It's the deepest form of communication between the mind, body, and spirit of two people - if used properly and with good intentions.

Think about it...

Most of the time, after a good romp or during a romantic interlude, couples are cool, calm, "in the zone", relaxed, and can talk about almost anything - if they don't fall asleep first. So, it's also theraputic.

If there's a deep connection, they might even lay around the house or in bed for hours and hours bonding and it's almost like the first time they ever made love.

It's powerful stuff! And good for the spirit!

Affection and Intimacy helps us develop strong bonds (emotionally, mentally, spiritually, and socially) with the person we love and care about. That's what it's for! It helps to make the love last.

But, when one of those partners aren't getting good love at home or feel stuck in a stagnant relationship with no physical loving communication (affection) and "spiritual love", they can take their frustrations out on the World.

Woe to the people that have to deal with the poor attitudes of those sad people who are stuck in a sexless uninspiring relationship. Those poor devils go to work angry, grumpy, in a daze, moping around, making irrational decisions, or depressed all the time - their minds often distracted by the drama at home. Sometimes you can't even get good service out of them because they lack drive and interest in things outside of the issues of their relationship. they're frustrated and stressed out!

It can even cause poor social relationships between them and the people around them, such as: their children, family members, friends, co-workers, etc. Look at those poor pitiful mean-spirited folks who creep around the Net flaming people - angry and pessimistic. They spend so much time on the Net because they have no love (or sex) in their lives. Those poor lonely scoundrels have nothing to do except make it their mission to attack almost everything in sight.

Haters are the worst because they're so lonely, jealous, envious, and bored with their lives and love life that they have to be devious and instigate trouble just to occupy their time and take their minds off of how bad their lives suck.

And that's the whole point. When the love and loving between two people is not up to par, MANY people suffer - not just one or two. Maybe even an entire Nation! Look at how much drama some of these politicians with their scandalous behavior have caused...

Do you think the World would be so full of trouble and drama if there was more love in it? Of course not! We'd find things to argue or war about, but I doubt things would be this bad.

Let me tell you how this drama affected me recently...

The other day at work, I called customer service about 5 or 6 times (sometimes dialing the number 3 times in succession), and every time I called, no one would pick up the phone. I knew someone was there because the phones have to be manned (or wo-manned) just in case any customers called in for product availability, service questions, billing, or directions. At one point, I called the manager on duty and asked him to go back there and take a look to see what was up - if they were really busy or what - and that jackass responded with: "Call them. There should be someone in there." I said, "I know there should be someone in there. I'm calling and no one is picking up." That fool said, "Just keep trying, okay." And hung up. Lazy-ass jerk.

This guy once talked to me about his marital problems too. I think his kids are the main source of his grief. Anyway...

I got a customer who had a million questions and wanted to place an order to have some product delivered to her home. I had customers piling up. I tried once more to call customer service. I got no answer and had to walk the lady from one end of the building to the other and get back to the other customers in my department. And you know how people (customers) hate to wait around for service. Too bad. I proceeded to walked her to customer service while she yapped on and on about how we should have the product in the store and how she would prefer having it delivered to the store instead of her home and yadda yadda...

When I walked up, I didn't see anyone. So, I took a peek in the back office and was amazed to see this goofy broad on her cellphone with one of her friends talking about the drama she was dealing with in her relationship and some guy who was lying to her, and how she shouldn't have to put up with... Something. I don't know. While I tried to get her attention, I could hear the phone ringing, and she was still just yappin' away like she didn't give a sh*t. After, a few seconds of me standing there, she told the person on the other end that she would call them back. If I was a supervisor, relationship drama or no relationship drama, her ass would've been fired on the spot. I would've gave that chick her pink-slip so fast, it would made her head spin: "Here's your pink-slip trick! Now, Take it and get the hell outta here." On the phone whining like a baby.

I was mad as hell. Inside I was about to explode. I was too busy to be taking all of those repeat calls and running up and down the building when she could've just answered the phone - which was Her job. But, I bit my tongue and held in my frustrations to keep the peace. It was painful.

Now, I don't know if they're NOT having sex - Probably not enough for her. BUT! I KNOW this relationship drama is affecting the quality and efficiency of work and service this girl is supposed to provide. Hence, the saying, "Leave your 'drama at home' AT home, and your 'work' AT work." Whatever. She was interrupting my flow.

Now, don't get me wrong, I feel bad for the girl, but I don't need any work-related drama. I have enough drama at home. And, I don't need customers complaining to me about being left on hold and having to call back, or irate customers on my ass about the service SHE'S supposed to provide. It's bad enough the company slices and dices the schedule and expects one person to do the work of three.

And, this is probably happening almost everywhere you go. You may not see it all the time, but SOMEBODY somewhere is getting the short end of the stick because of these people and their drama.

Have you ever been to a shop or venue to spend your hard-earned money and some poor sap is in a bad mood and providing you with low-class service like you're interrupting them while they're at work trying to chill? 80% of the time it's because their love-life sucks or their supervisor's love-life suck, or their supervisor's boss is in a relationship that sucks.

And that sh*t just rolls down hill and makes everyone's life miserable.

People who have good relationships are often in a good mood and spread the love wherever they go. They're happy to be in love and to BE loved.

Bad relationships = No sex = Poor attitudes = Poor productivity and poor service.

Get away from that drama and find someone who cares and who wants to love you the way you deserve to be loved!

If there were more people involved in good loving meaningful relationships, the World would be an Excellent Place. We'd have great service and positive social relationships coming out of the "ying-yang"! I'm sure of it.

So, what can we do about it???

I know some people have health issues that prevent them from making love or having sex, and that's too bad. There's not much you can do if the person is deathly ill.

But, if they aren't, there are OTHER things they can do to express their love. There are other ways to be intimate and sexually expressive. They just have to be willing to go the extra mile. It's for the good of their relationship and for the good of Mankind - and Womankind.

Maybe I'm crazy for thinking about this, but I'm dead serious.

I didn't realize that so much of this was going on until I saw so many hot chicks (and suave brothers) out there on the Net asking questions like:

How can i get my husband interested in having sex with me?
What can i do if my wife is unromantic and uninterested in having sex with me?
What does my boyfriend have a lack of interest in sex?
Should I leave my marriage because my wife has a lack of interest in sex?

These questions made me reflect on one of my former supervisors who had been married for 10 years or so. One day he told me that he hadn't had sex with his wife in almost a year. The guy took off his glasses and stared blank right into my eyes. Then he said:

"I don't understand it. She won't even let me touch her. She treats me like I'm some stranger."

Could you blame her? She was hot and he had no style. He dressed like a school teacher from the 70s who was trying to dress like a businessman from 70s. He was also bossy and arrogant.

And, all the guy talked about was sex and what he was going to do to his wife when he got home. She was probably tired of being his sex-toy and in pain from being mashed and tenderized by the extra sixty or so pounds he had put on.

I didn't say anything, but I realized: not only was this guy NOT getting any loving, but he had been lying for almost a year about what he was going home to do to his wife. Or, maybe he just had his hopes up.


They ended up going into counseling with their pastor and things got better.

You could really tell a difference in his attitude the first few months after they went in. He was a lot happier. She seemed a little happier too. Hell, we were all a lot happier.

When he wasn't getting any loving, he was strict as hell - sometimes for no reason. It just seemed as if he wanted to be a tyrant and go strictly by the book with everything. Even if no customers were present, and the place was spotless, he was on our ass to do SOMETHING.

"Count those cups and give me a total."

"Walk the building and let me know if any lights are out."

"If you got time to lean, you got time to clean."

The employees couldn't even talk to each other without him coming over to see what we were talking about. And, if it wasn't work-related, he found something for us to do. That dude sucked.

I had another supervisor - a store manager - who seemed to have a good marriage but he was ALWAYS at work or "passing through", so we always had to be on our toes just in case he'd pop-up to check the store out. His assistant managers would get excited and have us running around doing all kinds of extra sh*t just to make it look like we were very busy and not standing around. You know how it is when the supervisors expect the Big Boss to show up - it's a damn "dog and pony show".

One of the assistant managers he hung out with told me that this guy would cruise some of the "unpopular" neighborhoods looking for hookers and tell his wife he was working late. He wasn't a bad guy. But, you could tell he was a sex-addict. It was on his mind all the time. If he wasn't telling a sexual joke, he was talking about girls with "bubble butts" giving him a blowjob.

Plus, his wife was always calling, so that tells you that something wasn't right between those two. She didn't even seem to have her own life, and he seemed to hate having to take her calls.

I liked the guy. I just wished he would've stayed home more often.

To this day, I don't know what the main issue was with any of those people, but can you imagine living like that?

Having a hot wife you can't touch or a husband who would rather be at work than at home?

You KNOW situations like that are causing drama! And, it's making it hard on people who love life like me and you!

There's no doubt about it! Somebody somewhere is getting the short end of the stick!

These people out here need counseling. Some of them need to swallow their pride and recharge their love-life. Some of them need to get out of these dead-end relationships and find someone new - before the whole world goes to hell in a hand-basket.

- loveqna

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