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Saturday, December 18, 2010

Style And Swag That Will Put You In The Zone

There's nothing wrong with having your own personal style. The main thing is confidence anyway. And, if you personality shines and you give off a good vibe, that will always outweigh appearances. But, Let's face it...

Some of us need some style and swag in our lives! That's why we ain't gettin' those dates and meeting the man or woman of our dreams. How many good prospects do you think you're going to attract if your weave is flying all over the place or the heels of your shoes are busted? How many good prospects do you think you're going to get if you look like you've just staggered out of the wilderness after 20 years or just woke up looking like you've been on a 10-day drunk???

Have some style and class. If you got it, good. If you don't, get it quick. It will definitely give your love-life a boost!

I know some of you may be satisfied with the way you look, but ain't nothing wrong with making those other guy's and girl's mouths water!

When you're sharp, and looking good, and smelling fresh, you expand your options tremendously. Nobody wants a slob right off the bat! You've got to work your way into it!

First, get the girl (or guy)! THEN you can relax and let your hair down. That's the way to do it.

I'm not saying that you have to dress up in a suit or a ballroom gown everyday to be a sexy piece of eye-candy! Not at all. But, your style has to have some sort of attraction and chemistry to it that fits your personality and tastes. It has to shine.

Your Confidence Level plays a HUGE part in you having style and having fun. Overall, try to enjoy yourself. Have fun and you will look good. Develop the style you have now. Elevate it. And, Just let it flow.

When your style is flowing and you're feeling good, you radiate good vibes. And when you're radiating good vibes, the World takes notice.

So, check out some of the videos and articles I've been lucky enough to swipe off the Internet! They feature some great tips and suggestions from some of the most talented style coaches and gurus out there! And I'm sure they'll help you step up your game and put you in the Zone...


- loveqna

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