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Monday, July 4, 2011

To Those Who Try To Buy Love (or Pay For Sex)

How Tricks Have Ruined The Game Of Love

I know when you're courting a prospect, you may have to spend a little cash on dates and going out to the movies and that sort of thing. And, you'll also have to put in personal time and attention to show you're interested. But, don't overdo it.

If you have to BUY a prospects love and/or attention, you don't need the bum. Wait or find someone else.

Don't let a prospect work you like a dog in order for you to win his or her interest or affections. Be strong and avoid being used, abused, and played for a sucker. Realize your true worth. Realize what real LONG-TERM VALUE you bring to the table.

Don't let that prospect turn you into a "trick" and have you jumping through hoops to prove your interest and admiration. And, to be honest, in long run, he or she will never respect you for it. He or she won't respect you for waiting on him or her hand and foot. He or she won't respect you for being an ass-kisser or a doormat. He or she will never respect you if you are not confident and strong enough to stand up for yourself and say "No" sometimes.

Don't follow him or her around like some poor little lap-dog and beg for his or her attention. Be a "real man" or a "real woman" and show that you're in control of your Destiny and your life and that you don't need anyone to make you feel good about yourself or to bring you complete happiness.

Don't let that prospect control your mind or rule your world. If you get him or her - if he or she chooses to be with you, fine. If not, YOU need to move on. Don't waste your time, energy, and hard-earned money trying to BUY Love. It won't work. Either they're gonna love you for who you are or they aren't. Don't wait for the person to "come around" and "see the light". Or, see what a good man or woman you really are. It may take a very long time. Holla at some other prospects. Put your bid in elsewhere. Don't put all of your eggs in one basket and hope to win this person's love if they're playing too too hard to get. Move on.

Some of those people are nothing more than con-artists anyway.

There are many tests in Life. Some are important. Some are B.S. and a waste of time and effort - and money. And, the test to see how far you're willing to go to win someone's attention is one those B.S. tests.

There are plenty of fish in the sea. Don't let an asshole make a fool of you by turning you into a "trick" for his or her entertainment or interest.

Now, with that being said, let's dig deeper and clarify what a "trick" is in layman terms...

First, a "trick" is commonly known in the Sex Industry as a man (John) or woman (Jane) who pays for sex.

In The Game Of Love/ Game Of Romance, a trick is a man or woman who spends a lot of his or her money on a prospect (or love-interest) in hopes gaining love, "friendship", affection, or sex. That trick will try almost anything and do whatever he or she has to do to entice the prospect and try to win his or her heart.

Trickin' is as old as prostitution. Probably older. I'm sure of it.

I can imagine how it was thousands or millions of years ago...

The first cavewoman that came up with the brilliant idea of having those wild cavemen trick for her had to see beforehand that there were lonely tricks willing to trade furs, Crocosaurus meat, yams, and fish for her attention, intimacy, and affection.

She had to see that there was an opportunity to live good off of at least one or two of those localjokers. She could have one of them getting her food, another building her hut or digging her a cave, and another for pleasure. She HAD to see their tricks afoot. If she didn't recognize the opportunity, why did she go into business for herself? She had to see that those tricks were willing "pay" in order to play.

There were probably so many poor lonely slobs running around that stone age community building huts and digging out caves to satisfy those luscious cavewomen and their little cave-kids, that marriage was the next logical step in Evolution. I'm sure of it. Then came the "mutual agreement". Those tricks had to keep other tricks from stealing the women they loved and the cavewomen had to keep other vixens from stealing their tricks, "benefits", and favors. So, a few of those tricks and cavewomen got together one day and promised to be faithful to each other and thus, the invention of Marriage.

Well, it could've happened like that. Whaddaya think? Do you think that's how Marriage was invented? I bet it was.

And, I bet some of those cavewomen and tricks didn't want to get married - just like a lot cavewomen and tricks today don't want to get married.

Some of these women today realize how much power they have over these poor losers. The power to manipulate and to control.

Some of these prospects today are really players and hoes with 3, 4, or 5 tricks in their stable!

Those poor dumb tricks don't know they're being played for fools. Each one thinks he or she is in an exclusive relationship. But, they're being cheated and played out by these sirens...

Aha, but men aren't the only one's trickin'. We know there are many females out here trickin' too. They'll do all kinds of favors and spend money and buy gifts in order to keep from losing their prospects too. They want to keep him (or her) interested and hanging around also.

All of these tricks are driving the costs of courtship up to unsightly proportions!

These prospects and players see that these tricks out here are willing to do almost anything for their love, "friendship", or attention and they make these tricks pay royally.

Tricks have ruined the game of love with all of their begging and overly generous ways.

The trick will "loan" a lot of his or her money to the prospect.

The trick will pay some or all of the prospects bills to keep the prospect hanging around.

The trick will perform all kinds of special favors for the prospect like

running errands,

fixing his or her car,

exterminating mice and ants,

doing home repairs for the prospect,

taking the prospect (and the prospect's family) out to eat,

helping the prospect move from one house or apartment to another,

surprising the prospect with gifts and trinkets,

etc, etc, etc.

A lot of tricks will do this stuff on their own without any encouragement from the prospect. And, the reason why tricks do this is because they are afraid of losing the prospect to someone else. They also do this to try to keep the prospect from losing interest. Sometimes tricks do these things because they're afraid of being rejected.

But, when the money runs out or the tricks stop spending or stop doing favors, the prospect is gone. Then, it's up to someone like you or me to fill that void. They expect US to pay and compensate them for their time and affections. But, this is what I say: Either you like me for me or you don't. And, if you don't, you're ass can keep moving. I don't give a sh*t if you talk to me or not.

The problem is: A lot of tricks out here have no confidence in themselves. They don't believe a man or woman could like them for who they are. So, they try very very very hard to establish a relationship quickly.

They try to rush through the courtship before the guy or girl gets away.

These tricks out here are doing WAY too much for a hook-up.

And worst of it is: the world is full of more tricks than you can shake a stick at.

There are a lot of tricks out here trying to buy love and/or a relationship and driving the price of romance through the roof!

Trickin' has become a booming business for some of these True Players and hoes out here. They're getting all kinds of freebies, favors, perks, and benefits. No wonder so many women out here are "High Maintenance" and delusional about their role in a relationship.

Trickin' is definitely big business for the retail and moving industry! I'm in retail so you know I'm thankful to those tricks out there who give their support.

But, as I've said, some of those tricks out there do WAY too much...

There are tricks out there selling their souls to the Devil just to have a nice warm cuddly babe on their side. It's sad and pitiful...

There ain't no telling how many tricks there are out there giving all they can give for "friendship". Ain't no telling how many tricks there are out there that are giving excessively to win someone's love. But let me tell you the difference between the two and how each one has hurt the game of Love.

I hate to do it, but I've got to expose these tricks right now and put those poor lost souls and suckers back on the good path. Well, some tricks you can't convert. But, if you've recently started trickin' or HAVE been trickin' and didn't know it, this might open your eyes.

There are actually THREE types of tricks - maybe more if you want to get into details but three basic ones.

The first trick is a sucker. He or she probably has low self-esteem. He or she may be shy and lack confidence. This trick believes he or she HAS to give money and gifts to keep the prospect satisfied and interested. He or she knows no other way of courting a prospect.

The second trick is manipulator. Sometimes (maybe often) a player or a hoe. This trick knows what his prospects like and what motivates them and uses it to get what he/she wants from them. These types of tricks give in order to receive. Usually, they trade money and/or gifts for intimacy.

The third trick is a benefactor. This trick is usually lonely and wants to help his prospects in anyway he or she can - with money, shelter, transportation, advice, food, or whatever he (or she) can give. This trick is also known as "Captain Save-A-Hoe".


Not all tricks have low confidence or low self-esteem. There are confident tricks out there with plenty of money who spend royally and shower prospects with gifts and trinkets. These tricks do this out of pride. Pride for their Success. Pride for what they have, what they've accomplished, and what they are able to do - which is spend Big Money. This is what gives them the most pleasure out of life. These types of tricks usually are cheaters and benefactors to other prospects.

So, trickin' goes on all the time. Sometimes, there is trickin' going on in an established relationship when one partner is desperately trying to hold on to the other partner or trying to buy his or her love.

If you use your "third-eye" you can see it. Trickin' is everywhere.

I know in some cultures and countries that some brides and grooms are required to pay a dowry. But, that dowry should be for the sake of the relationship. It should be a "safety net" in case of emergencies or hard times. It should be used to build the union between the couple so that they can grow and expand their "empire". It should be for the BOTH OF THEM. And, if one gives a dowry, the other should be smart enough to help manage it and not waste it. One shouldn't have to pay for Love.

Tell those tricks to cut it out - or, at least, slow down. They're gonna drive us all into the poor house. Tell them "they can't buy Love". Tell them they won't win their lover's heart or respect by being a doormat or a lap-dog. Kissing their prospect's ass won't work.

Trickin' can get you sex - sometimes. But, it will never buy you True Love.

I can't lie. I've done some trickin' myself. But, I'm a changed man. I don't mind giving. But, ain't no way I'm gonna give all I've got - especially to a prospect or a hoe.

And, if you've been trickin', don't be ashamed - step up your game.

Give a little. Save a lot. And beware of players and tricks. They might try to con you out of everything you've got.

- loveqna

1 comment:

ladymiddleton said...

desde marzo que vi esto todo lo que senti por ti se derrumbo y se ve que te quieres mucho tienes un amor desmedido por ti mismo, no no tu no ruegas amor por nadie para que si te tienes a ti que te amas exageradamente, no eres la pèrsona que crei no me gusta tu forma de ser ni de pensar es mas ni siquiera tu fisico me gustaba, tu hermano era mas ya sabes... vital
sillegue a crer q tenias algo de bueno lejos de lo que la mayoria de la gente que te conoce piensa de ti, inclusive tus familiares ps ya veo que todos tenian razon que no tienes nada por dentro mas que un par de testiculos sin funcionar, ,pero da lo mismo q te insulte, creo que eso no sirve de nada, lo bueno es darme cuenta que no soy yo la del problema, que yo no tengo nada malo, que me fije en un pusilanime perdedor y le di un poder y un control que nunca pudo haber tenido con nadie, pero que solo me llmo la atencion porque alguna vez estuve al borde de la muerte y me senti identificada con el, pero lejos de ahi esta persona carece de valores de sentimientos, de empatia, esta en las sombras en la oscuridad y dudo que jamas alguien de bajo astral vea la luz, porque solo hay maldad critica destructiva egoismo vannidad que solo son arquetipos de una baja personalidad, pero bueno creo qu ele hice el favor de que alguien en su vida le prestara atencion, pero en su lecho de muerte espero siga teniendo ese ego que lo consume, porque yo jamas acudire a su entierro y mucho menos tendre un buern recuerdo de este "ser humano"

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