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Tuesday, July 26, 2011

What It's Like To Date A Female Player - 6

Thank God...

That broad is gone.

Before I get into the details, I want you to know how I maintained will-power strong enough to resist the mindgames and Jedi tricks of a player so that you can do the same...

It wasn't easy at first because I really thought this chick was something special. She has almost every quality I ever wanted in a woman.

But, the more I saw of her, the more sillier and sillier she appeared to be with those simple-minded mind games. I've never seen a girl who was so smart act so damn stupid.

I guess when you have sex-appeal and get a lot of attention, it kind of makes you lose your mind and imagine you're some kind of god or goddess or something.

That chick could go far in life with her style and charm but compared to a lot of these other ladies out here who are looking for good love and who don't even play these mindgames, she's small potatoes.

She thinks she's got it going on and there she is living with her "roommate" ex-boyfriend (and still having sex with him) and she's still on the job begging for money and food. What kind of sh*t is that???

Her game ain't as tight as she thinks it is that's for damn sure.

Some of these players out here are no joke. They will try anything and say anything to win your trust and friendship so that they can take advantage of you.

They will try to flatter you and "butter you up" with compliments.

They will offer their help and advice.

They will perform favors for you so that you will feel obligated to return certain favors.

They will entertain you and try to impress you with their knowledge, confidence, or intellect. And, we all know some of them like to make jokes and be funny to make you laugh in hopes of you letting your guards down.

They'll get to know you and then try to use "guilt-tripping" tactics!

Don't fall for that sh*t!

Cut those bums off early before they milk your pockets bone dry!

When that bum starts telling you his or her sob-story, acknowledge his or her hard luck and don't say a word otherwise.

Help the needy not the sleazy. And sleazy-ass weasels are as sly as a damn fox!

And, be careful that you don't let one of those controlling bullies take over your life! Get out early! And Get away!

Get as far away from him or her as possible, and avoid the scoundrel whenever you can.

When you see him or her coming, go in the opposite direction. Run.

Everyone of those scoundrels have an agenda - please believe it. They don't try to butter you up and be your friend (out of the blue) for no reason. They want something!

Those sneaky devils are always on the hunt for money, or sex, or status, or transportation, or a free lunch.

They'll approach you disguised as sweet innocent lambs, but in reality they are wolves ready to devour fresh meat!

They'll eat up everything you have and make a joke of you behind your back. And, they'll laugh about it with their friends.

Don't do any favors for them if you can help it! And, don't do a favor more than once if you can't. They're like a hungry stray cat. Once you feed the sorry sap-sucker, he or she will always come to you for something to eat.

They'll run your ass into the ground until you can't afford to buy YOURSELF anything to eat.


Some of you may already have good instincts and know about the manipulation tactics of players, playettes, con-artists, tricks, and scammers.

Some of you have probably gained experience because you have been used and played for a sucker in the past.

But there are still millions of people out there getting "pimped" and "played" and don't even know it!

They can't get ahead or move up in life because they keep throwing their blessings (and Time, and money) away on some loser who could care less about where they ARE in life or where they end up in life. Why give your hard-earned money away to a player - a loser - who will only waste it? Or, give it to someone else!

These poor dumb chumps don't realize that they're just a back-up plan for these miserable wannabee players. When all else fails, these wannabee players know they can manipulate these chumps.

Open your eyes Suckers and take heed!

Beware of their games and Stop letting these bums play you out!

And, for those you who are looking for love, honesty, and loyalty...

You'll never get what you REALLY want out of those heathens by trickin' and allowing them to manipulate you!

Letem go. Even if they go away mad, letem go.

Now, for the latest...

In the last post of this "series", I mentioned that "Slim n Sexy" was going through a bit of family and financial drama.

Well, she had to leave Charlotte and go back to her hometown.

A few days or so before she had given her "notice" to our boss, she was flirting with me again and calling out my name and so forth. I knew she was gonna do this stuff so it really didn't surprise me.

But, I WAS shocked when she informed me that she was quitting her job and going back home, but, I was also glad to see her go. That girl was nothing but a damn moocher. Even one of her "friends" who actually liked her laughed and said she had milked all of us so now she had to go to another job and milk those folks.

That beggin-ass girl had the nerve to ask me if I was gonna give her a going-away present and she never even paid me back the money I loaned her to pay her cellphone bill.

And you know we recently got into that argument and she expects me to swoon over a few flirtatious remarks, kiss her feet, and give her a going-away present???

I wanted to stick up my middle finger at her and say: "Yeah, I have a going-away present for ya, right here... Let me know when you need some more."

I'm serious.

She asked me two or three times about a going away present and I came close to showing her that middle finger.

I had to avoid that chick the rest of the day until she was gone. And, I hated that I had to do it. She looked gorgeous as usual and I wanted to get my hug before she left but, I couldn't stand all of that damn beggin'. Greedy beggin' gold-diggers just turn me off.

I'm about sixty percent sure I might've missed out on "something else" by not acknowledging her, but to hell with it. They're still plenty of other fish in the sea and more sirens await!

Good riddens.

Besides, I haven't run out of Options yet.

- loveqna

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