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Sunday, July 10, 2011

What It's Like To Date A Female Player - 4

I don't have much to say about my involvement with Slim. I really wanted a "ride or die" type of chick in my corner but it's pretty much over. After she cussed me out for calling her a "moocher" (basically), we haven't texted or talked on the phone.

We were talking again after a day or two had passed. And, she has approached me to bum for a cigarette on the third day, but other than that, we really haven't had a conversation.

I know she wants to talk to me because she always greets me and makes it her business to say "hello" even when she has a line of customers or whatever. But, why waste my time? If I tried to win her favor now, she wouldn't respect me. I know she wouldn't. She has too many guys chasing her as it is. If I chased her also, I'd be lumped in with the rest of those poor suckers.

Nahh, I'll keep my distance.

In fact, I know she will pursue me again. But, the next time, she will come with more game. She will TRY to play with my mind, lead me on, and tease me. I'll give it a couple of weeks. That's when she'll get enough nerve to call or flirt with me again.

Please, don't take this as arrogance. I'm only telling you what I BELIEVE may happen based on experience and instinct. I may be wrong because all people aren't the same. It's possible that she may never approach me again. So, romantically, it may be over between us. We'll see.

But, I know she misses talking to me because she can tell me anything. And, I don't judge her, tell her secrets, or repeat what she says to other people.

I could be her "knight in shining armor" and she could be "the girl of my dreams" but her dumbass is too damn dumb to realize it.

Oh well... Ain't no use in daydreaming and crying over something that is probably never meant to be.

I've also been talking to that "other chick" on a regular basis. I'll now refer to her as M&M (muse and mentor). Nahh, I'll call her "Cleopatra" just in case some of your web browsers aren't reading the ampersand symbol.

Cleopatra been going through a little bit of drama lately with her Ex and has been asking for my advice and opinions a lot lately.

Honestly, I don't like to give my opinions "off the cuff" or "on the spot" because I'm often impulsive and irrational. I don't think quick on my feet. So, I may say things I don't mean. Or, say something I shouldn't say (something harmful). Or, say something "crazy". It may be bad advice or a dumb opinion. My mind moves a million miles a minute.

Anyway, I try to take my time when I talk to her and it's been working out swell for the both of us. So, she's been wanting to talk and chill with me a lot lately.

I think she's using game and trying to "reel me in" but I'm not sure. I think she's either unsure about whether she wants to talk to me or unsure about whether or not I would be interested in dating her. I'm interested - but for how long???

Today, she invited me to hang-out with her and another co-worker for drinks at a local bar. I didn't really respond because I really don't like bars. I don't like to drink and sit and sit and drink. I'm an Aries. I'm active. If I drink, I wanna dance, grind, and have fun.


If I got involved with this chick, I really don't think I could ever leave her even if I wanted to. I wouldn't want to see her hurt by anyone - especially me. She's just too nice of a person.

And, the worst part about all of this is: If I did date M&M, I would make sure that Slim knew about it so that she would be angry and jealous.

I know it's disgusting and a terrible thing to do, but it's hard for me to get Slim out of my head. Well, it's hard for me to get Cleopatra out of my head too.

Every time I see her, I'm looking at her features or her lips or her smile or her booty. I like her personality. I don't have to search any deeper. But, I want to be turned on too. I want to look her and say to myself "damn, look at that ass" or "damn, she's got it going on" and right now, all I see is: "she's attractive". But, Where's the "pop"???

Where's the sex-appeal?

Where's that "Boo-Yowww!"?

Now, don't get me wrong, she's got a nice ass - and boobs - but, she's not "workin' it". There's just no excitement.

Now, one day, she stopped by the store to shop and she was looking foxy as hell...

She was dressed in athletic wear but at the same time "rockin' it" "relaxed and casual" in all white and she looked like a million bucks. I was definitely turned on by her that day. I would've kissed that girl from the soles of her feet to every strand of hair on head that day.

But, she doesn't move me like that every time I see her. Even though she dresses nice and neat, it's just not "interesting".

But, it's more than just how a woman (or a man) dresses. It's the walk. The style. The body language. Etc. Some people have sex-appeal and some people don't - No matter how good you look or attractive you are. If you don't have that "IT" factor or "star power", then you're more likely to be passed over for some less attractive looking person who DOES have sex-appeal or the "IT" factor.


Okay, back to the original ORIGINAL subject: "What It's Like To Date A Female Player"...

The REAL FEMALE PLAYER might be Cleopatra. She may be my true queen, but only time will tell. I'm gonna holla at her and see if she has the time to be involved in a partnership with me. If she makes the time, I know she's down for me. If she doesn't, well... I don't know. We'll see.

- loveqna

This will be a short note - hopefully.

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