When I received my first text from that "gangsta chick", Slim, my future flashed before my eyes.
I was uplifted.
I had high hopes.
I thought for sure I had received a blessing from God. I thought I had been blessed with a Queen. The girl of my dreams.
She was everything I wanted.
I like fiery strong-willed women. I like bold women. I like women who are confident and smart - business-minded. I like women who are go-getters - Divas.
I thought she was all of that.
And, every time I thought of her, I could see the both of us rising to the Top and living a good life. A Grand Life.
But, this chick is nothing more than a loud-mouth "show-girl". She's got all of the features and game but she wants to be "player" instead of a "True Player".
She can't see the Big Picture.
She'd rather yap all day on her cellphone about her problems instead of doing something about them.
She'd rather use men for chump-change and favors instead of creating major opportunities for herself.
She uses her game to play games.
I don't need a woman like that in my life.
I HAVE the MasterPlan. I just need someone to help me develop it and sell it.
Sure, there are other chicks out there that are "qualified" but I want someone like this - for Business as well as Love. And, I could love a chick like this. I'm not ashamed to say it. She's like a dream come true.
But, her Mind ain't right.
She's full of B.S. - that's why it won't work. And, I'm not an "all-day sucker". I'll wait or look for another similar type of chick before I let her play with my mind and drain my bank account dry. To Hell with that.
And, you should follow suit.
Don't give in to a wannabee player who only wants to play games with his or her life and your's.
Don't waste your time crying over a bum who doesn't want to improve his or her life or your relationship. That's what life is about: Growing, Expanding, Improving, Moving Forward.
Don't let a slob or a scrub bring you down and ruin your potential for Happiness.
Don't let a bum bring you down and make your life hard and miserable.
If you can "milk" that rascal or scallywag and save for bigger and better things, do it! Milk him! Milk her! You're doing for your future! You're doing it for the both of you. You're doing it so that you can both live a good life. Or, a better life.
If he or she has dreams, offer your help and/or advice.
Show him or her that you are willing to help anyway you can to build your future together.
And, if he or she doesn't want to cooperate, do it for yourself and your family.
Go to school. Save your money. Get a job. Start a business. Learn a trade. Find a better partner (if possible). Use your game.
And, move on and accomplish your dreams without the scumbucket.
- loveqna
1 comment:
si ella tiene basura en la mente seguramente es porque tu se la llenaste de eessto, y si ella esta fuera de tu alcance es una diva, y tu un pordiosero vago impotente arrogante narcisista enfermo decadente, bueno como digo un primo suyo para que hacerle caso al que ya se va a morir, dejalo que ladre como perro no tieene nada que perder porque nunca tuvo nada, y si de su estado mental hablamos, no creo que los que practican el bestialismo esten bien de la cabeza, no trasfieras tus problemas mentales a los demas, y el amor no es un negocio estupido, ni tienes un masterplan ya a los pocos meses de una insuficiencia renal o a unos meses de estar ciego jajaj ya no vas a ver mas culo path yu aunk contrates putas solo les va a dar lastima un ciego invalido decrepito a algo de asquito, si perdi el tiempo llorando por una basura que digo basuro despojo humano estorbo para toda su familia y si que por eso postergabas todo no era por miedos era por buscar otras pollas mas pendejas que te creyeran todas las estupideses, incoherencias, incostistencias de un hombre que ni se le para para empezar y para terminar, suerte y hazte unexamen de sida aguas no vaya a ser peor q la diabetes y creeme si hay hombres buenos en este mundo solo que me fui con la idea de tus oojos tristes, pero como un alcoholico va a aser feliz son las personas mas desdichadas que hay llamando la atencion con groserias y creyendose lo que no son porque solo son unos ppobres enfermos de cuerpo y alma carentes de recibir algo de afecto, poddran tener sexo con muchas putas pero ellas en realidad solote tendran lastima y si te consigues una sera porque se sienta necesitada y se confolrme con un enfermo como tu para no estar sola, pero amor es una palabra que jamas un alcoholico esquizofrenico narcisista tendra porque su autoestima es tan nula como nula es su salud.
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